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Anabolic Steroids And Your Blood (Part 1)

Heavy training will always produce extraordinary results for bodybuilders regardless of whether he is taking Anabolic Steroids or not. We are going to take a closer look at a really vital organ...the liver, although we do in fact rely on all of our bodies organs for detoxification, various energy conversion processes, as well as muscle growth and repair.

By Mick Hart

Heavy training will always produce extraordinary results for bodybuilders regardless of whether he is taking Anabolic Steroids or not. We are going to take a closer look at a really vital organ...the liver, although we do in fact rely on all of our bodies organs for detoxification, various energy conversion processes, as well as muscle growth and repair.

The secretions aid fat digestion producing high density lipoprotein Cholesterol (HDL-C) and destroying the undesirable low density lipoprotein Cholesterol (LDL-C). Did you know that even when we are resting, that our liver receives about 30% of our blood supply? You have a good look at the meat counter the next time you go to the supermarket.

Liver function tests actually detect enzyme levels (biological catalyst, want to know more? - go do a biochemistry course). A weight trainer’s intense workouts will break down large amounts of skeletal muscle cells (if you’ve been working out properly anyway).

Along with intra muscular injections this can make test results appear misleading. So just what information should we be giving to our Doctor in order to get the right medical advice for getting bigger muscles? These tests include several enzyme markers so let’s go over the ones relevant to bodybuilders.

All of the following are parameters measured in a full blood haematology profile, I include it here for completeness sake, but in reality only a few of the indices are of interest to us as weight trainers.

Haemoglobin: The measure of the amount of the major blood protein of red blood cells, a low count may indicate anaemia. Poor diet and B12 and folic acid deficiency may account for this (so go eat some liver and spinach, wholesome foods)

Red cells: Now this is a strange one as it counts the number of red cells in a given quantity of blood. These blood cells are actually produced by our bone marrow and only survive for about 3 weeks, but alcohol is a player here and can cause macrocytosis. This means the cells become bigger which can cause serious problems when trying to pass through tiny capillaries.

HCT ratio PCV (haematocrit ratio, packed cell volume / MCH (average corpuscular haemoglobin / MCHC (mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentrations) top the list in red blood cell indices which provide us with concrete information about the shape and content of red blood cells.

ESR (erythocyte sedimentation rate) is a good broad indication of a patient’s health. My one always comes in high when suffering from an infection (some treatments can compromise the immune system). Many inflammatory conditions can also return a high test result.

An adequate proportion of platelets is vital for the blood system and it’s ability to clot. A low count in platelets will lead to bad bruising and excessive bleeding from a wound. This can also be caused through the use of aspirin while in an ECA stack.

White cell count can indicate viral or bacterial infection as this test result would rise with an infection as white cells increase and produce antibodies to combat infection (this is also a good reason to have good muscle mass - where did you think the protein to synthesis antibodies came from?)

Every test that has come before are just run of the mill tests that will be explained to the patient by his GP in the consultancy, unless there should be something really serious revealed. But the results of the tests featured in part 2; although average for big beast body builders, will knock a GP for six if he isn’t used to his patients looking like Arnold Schwarzenegger. (Part 2 coming soon).

About the Author Mick Hart... a genuine bodybuilding and anabolic steroids expert 100% USEFUL information of nutrition and steroids


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