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The Best Way To Gain Muscle And Not Get Fat

Jimmy Smith reveals the best ways to gain muscle while not gaining fat. His muscle building course, The Muscle Bible, has helped thousand of skinny guys gain muscle and look better.

By Jimmy Smith

Copyright (c) 2008 Jimmy Smith

The main goal of everyone who works out is to build muscle and not get fat. The problem is that these two goals are completely opposite of each other. They both require different goals.

Make no bones about it. To build muscle you have to take in calories because there is no way that you can grow without calories.

Losing fat is different and is going to require to eat less food and be in a negative calorie balance because that allows your body to use stored bodyfat for fuel.

Most people end of spinning there wheels and spending too much time doing both. This cause people to have that skinny but not big enough look that is in between cut and big

Most people accept that they need to add some small amounts of fat if they are going to get bigger. It is the small amount of fat that we can control.

The secret to gaining muscle without getting a gut.

You have two choices when you are trying to build muscle. You can only do one of two things.

The worst thing that you can do is decide that you want to get big and just eat junk food. They become a human buffet since they think that any hunger pains means that they aren’t growing.

The current thinking of how to build muscle and burn fat is useless since the ones who promote it are likely using drugs. I’m sorry to say but you aren’t an exception.

These people are going to do nothing but eat for four to six months, which is the time period that most people try to add muscle in. All out eating everything that you eat is a horrible method since it will cause you to store calories in your gut.

The second option and better option is to use small cycles of eating large amounts of calories to add muscle over a four to six week period so that you can grow but keep your stomach small.

I know that you are thinking. How many calories do I need to take in and how much muscle can be built during this phase.?

You’ve heard of the guys who claimed that they can build 20,30, or 41 pounds of muscle in a few weeks or month. I call “bull”, that ain’t going to happen unless you use drugs and adding 10 pounds of muscle will give you a brand new, sleeve busting body. This is only going to happen to people who are brand new to training, have crazy good genetics or are using some other things but for most people this just isn’t going to happen.

A natural individual should shoot for a pound or two of muscle a month. If your diet isn’t optimal or if you are missing meals then you decrease this chance. It is so vital that you recognize and realize this. You need to be on point or else your ability to grow muscle is going to be limited.

The more calories, the greater the chance to build fat. As a general rule, keep it to about 500 calories above normal so that you can keep your body fat in check. The best way to judge if you are gaining muscle and keeping your bodyfat low is to look in the mirror. How are your clothes fitting? Do you still have a flat stomach. If they are staying there then increase your calories slightly.

It is always best to look in the mirror and realize that you are not going to be a pro bodybuilder but someone that looks really good. Aiming to hit the exact number of calories that you read about isn’t going to get the job done and it isn’t going to work. Everyone has a different metabolism and you need to play with your own calorie requirements and try to see what works best for you.

Just keep in mind , the better you control your diet when you train for size the less time you have to spend dieting and the more time you can spend growing. The best way to add muscle is to decide that you are going to do it slowly. Trying to get too big, too fast will only result you adding more fat than muscle. There’s no reason to stuff you face full of fat foods.

Jimmy Smith,CSCS, is the author of the Muscle Bible and is a training advisor for Men's Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines.His Muscle Bible program has helped thousands of people gain muscle. His muscle building course guarantees that you will add 10 pounds of lean muscle onto your frame without drugs, expensive supplements or by spending all day in the gym or your money back plus some. His muscle building secrets can be found at


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