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Burn Fat-build Muscle

Your fitness goals will be determined by your physique, body weight and genetic background and most importantly, it will be a program you will want to do on a regular basis.

By Rob Ryan

Your fitness goals will be determined by your physique, body weight and genetic background and most importantly, it will be a program you will want to do on a regular basis.

Most fitness beginners are suffering from inactive lifestyles and poor eating habits, causing a downward unhealthy trend that can result in always being overweight and possibly being burdened with chronic diseases if a change isn’t made beforehand.

Taking action is the most important part, so getting motivated to exercise is one of the biggest barriers facing those that truly want to get on the road to looking and feeling good.

If your not willing to apply an intense workout, don’t even bother and just continue to watch the pounds pile on while you not only start to look worst, you will feel worst. Intensity is good and effective and if you continue, it won’t be long before you begin to look and feel so much better.

Most people start a workout program because they are overweight, so at the start of a workout regimen it is always a good idea to perform more cardio type exercises, in order to prevent building muscle under fat.

Now, as you start to take off the weight with heart pounding, sweaty cardio routines, you will want to include strength training routines into your program also and as time goes on you will be able to apply more mucsle building workouts.

On the off days, it’s not a bad idea to try and do about 20 minutes of cardio to keep your weight in check.

The intense non-stop muscle building routines will also have a fatburning effect. Of course, if your not eating right and eliminating all bad eating habits, it will be a never ending struggle to truly get fit.

Around 15 years ago or so, A terrible malfunction with a bench press nearly caused catostrophic damage to my face and possibly death, so I decided to create a device and workout regimen that could produce the results I was striving for and it will be available to anyone that is also seeking excellent workout results. Read Bench Press Horror:

The terrible experience turned out to be a blessing in disguise, because it inspired the WorkoutBandit that is incredibly effective for exercising all of the major muscle groups with fatburning and bodybuilding results. You can control your weight while reshaping your entire physique.

I never had the desire to work so hard to look like the Arnold but it has kept me in the shape of men half my age and I only workout three days a week for 45 minutes. I’m 52 ripped years old.

Having formed a fitness program at an early age now makes it actually quite easy to stay in shape. Since I never had the desire to invest a lot of time to get really ripped, the regularity of my three days a week workouts lets me maintain a good physique.

Joining the Chicago Health Club ( Bally’s ) in 1973 introduced me to the new Nautilus equipment. These machines would enable you to get the intense precise movement and resistance necessary for a good fitness regimen.

An almost fatal or terrible bodily injury incident using a 175 lbs. bar bell motivated me to design a piece of equipment that performs just like the Nautilus apparatus that worked so well and I havn’t used weights since.

I certainly didn’t have the room or money for an expensive giant piece of equipment, so I used my fabricating skills from my body shop experience to create a device that would offer the same resistance and movement.

It’s important that you start some kind of exercise or physical activity but if you implement an intense full body workout on a consistant basis the transformation can be unbelievable and this positive effect will motivate you to continue on a regular basis.

For maximum results, you need to raise the bar and workout 5 to 6 days a week for 45 to 60 minutes. ( You will get quite ripped )

Being able to accurately strengthen and sculpted each major muscle group is essential to a contured physique. Even if your genetics have not blessed you, you can still get into the best healthy physical condition possible.

If your already having trouble with weight control or obesity it’s real easy to end up with a piece of equipment or diet program that you will end up not utilizing properly or it is something that simply does’nt deliver on the advertised promises, or your not willing to work hard enough to make it actually happen.

Applying a structured workout and diet plan with precise guidance and a workout routine that allows a continuous fluid movement between muscle groups, will give the best chance of finally reaching your fitness goals.

Years of experience has taught me the correct way to achieve a healthy physique, all done with observation and application.

If your ready to finally get into the physical condition you’ve been desiring, The WorkoutBandit can make it happen. This is a fatburning, bodybuiding program that can work for anyone that applies it.

You can perform literallly dozens of bodybuilding exercises, that will target all the major muscle groups and you’ll be able to avoid boredom by mixing up the routines.

People from alll walks of life can benefit with The WorkoutBandit, including athletes, seniors, women and physical therapy.

If your not up for a really hard workout The WorkoutBandit can also be used for mild strength and flexibility training.

Before you buy the next big strength training program, look into Intense fatburning, bodybuilding strength trainings plus many more fitness tips to get into the best shape of your life


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